North Rhine-Westphalia puts new baseline report legislation into force

New legislation on the baseline report (BR) for IED systems: the Ministry for the Environment, Agriculture, Nature and Consumer Protection in North Rhine-Westphalia presented the new legislation “New LABO work aid baseline report for soil and groundwater and notes on the LABO work aid on the obligation to return IED systems” on 25 March 2020.

This legislation replaces the previous one and contains several simplifications:

industrial plant
  • Possible exemptions from baseline reports for installations, handling substances hazardous to water and wastewater treatment plants
  • Possibilities for subsequent submission of the baseline report
  • Possibilities of the so-called “framework baseline report”
  • Consideration of ongoing remediation procedures in the scope of the assessment
  • Consideration of existing remediation contracts for obligatory remediation
  • Possibilities of postponing remediation measures in case of financial security

What effects does the new legislation have on your approval procedure? Our experts at WESSLING have experience from preparing over 250 baseline reports for a wide range of industries, such as chemicals and pharmaceuticals, paper, steel, food, foundries, stone and earth. We will be pleased to advise you.

On the background:

The European IED on industrial emissions was incorporated into German law. This means that operators of the plants listed in the 4th BImSchV (Federal Immission Control Act) are obliged under certain circumstances to prepare a so-called Baseline Report (BR) in accordance with the IED Directive in the case of new permits or significant changes. More information on baseline reports and our service range.  

Your expert concerning baseline reports

I will be happy to advice you.

Christoph Wortmann