We support you in your construction project with fast and precise declaration analysis for comprehensive soil analysis. We are represented throughout Germany and can even examine your soil samples and mineral waste within three working days using the express procedure if desired.
More information on WESSLING express declaration analysis.
With the help of our analysis data, you can, for example, derive exploration and remediation measures for contaminated sites and meet the requirements of the German Federal Soil Protection Ordinance (BBodSchV). This ordinance ensures the sustainability of soil functions and aims to restore them - and we assist you in this. In addition to our advanced analysis, we offer a unique variety in chromatographic and spectroscopic methods for soil analysis.
Soil analysis has been conducted at WESSLING for 40 years. This is why our experts know that reliable analytical results are initially based on qualified sampling of solid and soil air samples. This also includes special samples such as track ballast, material samples (e.g. asbestos) or insulating materials.
In our laboratories, we use chemical-analytical methods to examine all current parameters and test lists, as in accordance with the federal/state working group (LAGA), ordinance on landfills and long-term storage facilities (DepV), the Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV) and others. Our contact people support you in the selection of the analysis required for your needs and has country-specific regulations in mind.
Our specialists look at sampling and analysis, if required, in connection with consulting topics. This is, above all, required for the areas of soil remediation, land recycling and soil investigation. In this context, we also prepare initial status reports (AZB) under the IE Directive.
Here you will find an overview of the relevant specifications for soil analysis.
We will be happy to support you.
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