Analysis of compost and fermentation products

The use of compost and fermentation products as fertiliser and for soil improvement is attractive in many ways.

Hände gefüllt mit Erde

An independent and regular quality control, such as that carried out by the Bundesgütegemeinschaft Kompost e.V. (BGK) or QLA (Quality Assurance Agricultural Waste Utilisation) is of great importance for producers in the recycling industry. The end user is thus provided with a product that demonstrably meets the high standards of quality assurance and is identified by appropriate seals, e.g. that of the BGK.


WESSLING possesses BGK recognition

Within the framework of the RAL quality assurance by the BGK, fresh and finished compost, substrate, solid as well as liquid fermentation products and organic fertilizers must be analysed regularly. WESSLING possesses many years of experience and know-how in the analysis of compost and digestate. Both our samplers and our state-of-the-art testing laboratories have BGK recognition. Our experts examine your samples for physical, chemical and biological parameters, nutrient content, hygiene parameters and heavy metals.

Our range of services

  • Sampling in compliance with the specifications of the German Federal Compost Quality Association (BGK) by independent samplers recognised by the BGK
  • Laboratory analysis of all parameters in compliance with BGK specifications for finished compost, fresh compost, mulch compost, substrate compost and fermentation products 
  • Analysis of compost typical special parameters, such as microbiological hygiene parameters (aerobic bacterial count, faecal coliform bacteria, enterococci)
  • Special analysis of the parameters perfluorinated tensides (PFT, for example PFOA, PFOS), plasticisers, such as phthalates

We regularly and successfully take part in ring trials.

Your contact regarding analysis of compost and fermentation products

Elisa Lordieck

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