Our job offers for graduates and young professionals

Would you like to apply the knowledge you have acquired during your degree or training here at our company? Then become part of our company, which was voted one of the TOP 100 employers by graduates.

WESSLING IT employee at work.

Our 1,200 employees are committed to the continuous improvement of quality, safety, health and environmental protection. You will find our current job offers here.

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„Your future starts with us - we offer a wide range of opportunities for professional development!“

Become a solution finder

Within our company, many hundreds of clever minds and unique individuals ensure that the quality of life in all fields improves on a daily basis. Or to put it simply: "Quality of Life". Our company slogan conveys the essence of the diversity of our knowledge and skills. Each and every employee contributes to safe and high-quality products, to environmental and climate protection, to the sparing use of resources and energy and to human health. At 22 sites. In Germany, Europe and China.

This demanding task can only be achieved by good collaboration in cooperative teams that jointly identify the better solution in each case. So consider yourself invited, as a finder of solutions, to commit to our knowledge company, the international WESSLING Group, with its wealth of expertise, languages and cultures.

WESSLING drone flight

Cooperation with the University of Münster (WWU)

Land recycling: drone flying over the former Opel plant

The use of a drone at the site of the former Opel plant 1 in Bochum was tested in a joint project conducted by WESSLING, the Institute of Landscape Ecology and the Institute for Geoinformatics at the University of Münster (WWU). WESSLING initiated the cooperation and thus supported the study project of Pia Pickenbrock from the IfgiCopter work group.

Cooperation with the University of Münster (WWU) 1 / 3

Spenden, Aktion, Kleiner Prinz

Gemeinsam Freude schenken – Aktion Kleiner Prinz 2024

Die Kinder der KiTa Zappelkiste und Mitarbeiter*innen von WESSLING haben im Rahmen der Aktion Kleiner Prinz 77 Weihnachtsgeschenke gepackt, die sich nun auf den Weg nach Media und Satu Mare in Rumänien gemacht haben.

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Die WESSLING, part of ALS Limiteg Läufer*innen beim 22. Münster Marathon

WESSLING Läufer*innen zeigten vollen Einsatz beim 22. Münster-Marathon

Unter dem Motto "Dabei sein ist alles" traten von WESSLING in diesem Jahr drei Staffeln mit je vier Kolleg*innen sowie mit Felix Sommer und Graeme Morris zwei Einzelläufer an.

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Your career with a future

Jetzt bewerben bei WESSLING | ALS

Time for a change: Find your new job at WESSLING | ALS and get started with us!

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