WESSLING – your attractive employer

At WESSLING, over 40 different occupational groups work at 22 sites. Our experts in the fields of chemistry, food chemistry, biology, agricultural sciences, mineralogy and engineering work hand-in-hand to sustainably improve quality of life.

The knowledge, skills and commitment of our employees are our greatest asset. We are a modern service provider that offers knowledge-based services. Our employees have long-term prospects within the company, and we foster their personal development.

Interested? Our current vacancies can be found here.

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„Building success together - develop your potential and become part of the WESSLING team!“

A learning company from which you can benefit

As a learning company, we attach great value to the steady advancement and continuous development of each individual, to qualification and to the transfer of knowledge on an international footing as well.

Regular training courses ensure that our employees' knowledge is constantly up to date. We practise a participatory style of management. Our employees are involved in decision-making processes and are given clear competencies. We regard trust and the quality of communication as essential foundations for a motivating working environment and working atmosphere.

Apply now!

If you already have several years of professional experience under your belt and would like to be part of our international team, we look forward to your application!

WESSLING drone flight

Cooperation with the University of Münster (WWU)

Land recycling: drone flying over the former Opel plant

The use of a drone at the site of the former Opel plant 1 in Bochum was tested in a joint project conducted by WESSLING, the Institute of Landscape Ecology and the Institute for Geoinformatics at the University of Münster (WWU). WESSLING initiated the cooperation and thus supported the study project of Pia Pickenbrock from the IfgiCopter work group.

WESSLING employees selfie

Survey amongst 55,000 students

WESSLING one of Germany's top employers

WESSLING performed outstandingly in the biggest employer study and came in amongst the top 100 in Germany. The results of the "Trendence Absolventenbarometer 2018" were published in the "CHEManager" magazine. They show which employers and industries are particularly popular amongst natural sciences students and the criteria according to which they select a job.

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WESSLING Innovation Award 2018 Selfie

WESSLING Group presents Innovation Award

"A thriving innovation culture is our driving force"

Innovativeness is writ large at WESSLING: each year, we honour the best ideas from the workforce with the WESSLING Innovation Award.

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Cooperation with the University of Münster (WWU) 1 / 3

Umweltlabor, Laboranten, Coworking

New EU regulations on mycotoxins in cereal products: all you need to know!

This year, the European Union has issued two important amending regulations to limit mycotoxins in cereal products.

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Europäische Union, Gesetzte, Regelungen, Recht

Recent changes to maximum levels of nickel in food

For the first time, the European Union has set maximum levels for nickel in a wide range of foods.

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