Feed analysis: safety and quality for animal food

Alongside drinking water, feed is the most important resource in livestock farming. As a manufacturer of feeds or pet food, you are faced with high production process and product requirements in every regard.

Cows eating hay after feed analysis.

Together, we will establish the prerequisites for healthy and productive animals thanks to reliable nutrition value analyses and competent consulting. At the same time, the legislator is demanding increasing self-responsibility from all parties involved in the feed chain. Safety and quality are therefore crucial to you and the success of your feed on the market.

WESSLING is certified according to the quality standards QS, GMP+ and VLOG. In accordance with these standards, our experts carry out the analysis of undesirable substances in animal feed and, with the results, give our customers security with regard to compliance with the limit values ​​and guideline values ​​specified therein.

Your contact for the topic of feed

Annika Fingerhut

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