Alongside drinking water, feed is the most important resource in livestock farming. As a manufacturer of feeds or pet food, you are faced with high production process and product requirements in every regard.
Together, we will establish the prerequisites for healthy and productive animals thanks to reliable nutrition value analyses and competent consulting. At the same time, the legislator is demanding increasing self-responsibility from all parties involved in the feed chain. Safety and quality are therefore crucial to you and the success of your feed on the market.
WESSLING is certified according to the quality standards QS, GMP+ and VLOG. In accordance with these standards, our experts carry out the analysis of undesirable substances in animal feed and, with the results, give our customers security with regard to compliance with the limit values and guideline values specified therein.
Our range of services in the field of feed in detail
The feed industry ensures the highest standards of quality thanks to QS feed monitoring. It serves to monitor products that are produced according to the criteria specified by QS and which are permitted to bear the seal. The WESSLING sites in Altenberge and Berlin are recognised by QS and check adherence to the limit values defined here for various parameters within the feed industry stage.
Our range of services in the field of feed in detail
The quality of animal feed is a key factor for success in livestock husbandry and therefore in the entire animal produce chain. Benefit from WESSLING's analysis and consulting, because the safety and quality of your livestock feed are crucial to its market success.
WESSLING is your partner for protecting your brand, minimising risks and meeting legal requirements. Our accredited laboratories and a broad range of analyses are available to you for ensuring this. You receive your analysis results in digital form, quickly and on time. Chemical, sensory and microbiological tests, feed value analyses, trace analyses of residues and contaminants and the detection of genetically modified organisms – all from one source.
Using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), we examine the nutritional values of your feed in our laboratories. These may vary depending on the variety, soil condition or fertilisation. If farmers know the ingredients of their feed, they can adapt the feed ration to the needs of their livestock. Compared to other analyses, the NIRS test method is relatively fast and comparatively inexpensive.
As an alternative to the NIRS method, we also offer traditional analysis using wet-chemical methods.
* Testing laboratory accredited by DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. The accreditation only applies to the scope of accreditation listed in the certificate attachment [D-PL-14162-01-00].
Our range of services in the field of feed in detail
A broad range of food is available for domestic pets. The formulations are aimed precisely at the requirements of dogs, cats, ornamental birds, ornamental fish, rabbits and other small animals. WESSLING checks the quality of your products and thus helps you to protect your brand, minimise risks and meet legal requirements.
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