Consulting and expert reports for cosmetic products

Quality and safety are the top priority for cosmetic products. Thanks to tailored consulting and expert reports, the experts at WESSLING offer the safety that suppliers, manufacturers and distributors need to launch their consumer products onto the market.

Conformity checks, labelling checks and declaration checks for cosmetic products at WESSLING

Consulting, analysis and expert reports – all available from a single source at WESSLING. Cosmetic products are subject to clearly defined legal requirements regarding marketability (labelling, efficacy claims), safety and conformity. Our cosmetic product specialists are familiar with the relevant ordinances and legal regulations at national and international level – and provide you with expert advice tailored to your individual needs.

Our specialists are also recognised experts for the examination of samples according to Section 43 of the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB - Untersuchung von Proben nach §43 LFGB (amtlich zurückgelassene Gegenproben)).

Your contact for consulting and expert reports on cosmetic products

„Our experts ensure that you can bring your cosmetic products to market - with expert reports and consulting services based on your needs.“

Cosmetic products

Safety assessment for cosmetic products

Whether the preparation of the safety report, notification of a product or compilation of the product information file – at WESSLING customers have access to the renown expertise, outstanding service and technical capabilities of an international operating service provider.

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 Analytics on nanomaterials in cosmetics

Nanoanalysis of cosmetics

Testing of micelles in the WESSLING laboratories

The use of active ingredient and encapsulation systems in cosmetic products is becoming increasingly important, particularly in skin care products. WESSLING offers a broad range of services in the field of nanoanalysis: this also includes advice and analysis regarding the use of micelles in cosmetic products, e.g. in lotions or facial tonics.

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 Laboratory analysis for the quality and safety of cosmetic packaging

Cosmetic GMP audits

Good manufacturing practice for the cosmetics industry

CosmeticGMP describes guidelines for the quality assurance of production processes and the production environment, including the manufacture of cosmetic products. Our experts will provide you with competent and specific advice for all questions concerning good manufacturing practice and will perform on-site audits.

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Seals and certifications

Competitive advantages for your company

Allow us to advise you if you are planning to have your company certified according to a recognised quality standard or if you want your product to be awarded the WESSLING test seal, for example.

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Current news regarding cosmetics

All news

EU-wide ban on benzophenone: What cosmetics companies need to watch out for now

Already since 23 November 2023, the sale and distribution of products containing benzophenone is banned in the European Union without a transitional period.

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Beratung für Kosmetik bei WESSLING

FDA Extends MOCRA Enforcement – act now for smooth registration of cosmetic products

Attention cosmetics industry: There is now six months more time for your plant registrations and product listings, as the deadline has been extended to 1 July 2024.

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Your career with a future

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Time for a change: Find your new job at WESSLING | ALS and get started with us!

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