Experimenting between test tubes and olfactory pens

"Oh - this is turning blue!" Lukas Schulze Relau exclaimed enthusiastically, as laboratory technician Theresa Hinse held a salt into the flame of the Bunsen burner. She was happy about the enthusiasm of her young visitors of the Altenberge holiday entertainment programme.

Concentrating on pH value determination: Nina Brinkmann and Lotta Fäcknitz in the laboratory room for the young guests

Eight guests between the ages of nine and twelve were busy at exploring the headquarters of WESSLING that morning. In addition to a brief look into the WESSLING laboratories, the children were then allowed to become active in the training area themselves. Various experimental stations invited the kids to watch, marvel and DIY: salts that colour flames, solutions that change their colour or to determine the pH values of various beverage and water samples. At our own pond, the boys and girls became samplers themselves and took the water samples.

Back in the laboratory, small experiments were conducted on food, such as the determination of odours with so-called olfactory pens. A highlight at the end was an ice cream tasting, expertly examined by the young guests beforehand.