Latest announcements from WESSLING: our news, press releases and company announcements can be found here.

Good manufacturing practice in the cosmetics industry

Safe in the implementation of GMP requirements – this is the guiding principle of the webinar on 9 February 2022. Here, three of our WESSLING experts will provide professional insights.

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Awards for best master’s theses in food chemistry

The study prize for the best master’s thesis in food chemistry at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), endowed with 1000 euro, was recently awarded at a ceremony.

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Quantum technology

SIM-QPla: Quantum leap in microplastics analysis

Detecting microplastics in environmental samples is a complex process. With the SIM-QPla research project, partners from research and industry have therefore joined forces to develop mobile analysis methods and facilitate this process.

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WESSLING life cycle-assessments

European Green Deal and sustainability

As part of the European Green Deal, the EU presented a chemicals strategy for the years 2021 to 2024. It entails both stronger regulations and procedural simplifications for companies.

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Entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 on the testing of veterinary medicinal products

From 28 January 2022, veterinary and human medicinal products will be regulated separately by law. A separate manufacturing authorisation will then be required for veterinary medicinal products. We continously check your pharmaceuticals for animals.

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Waste disposal and recycling

Quality control of fuels through CO2 monitoring and analysis

Our experts support you with analysis and CO2 monitoring in the quality monitoring of substitute and secondary fuels so that you always have maximum security regarding environmental compatibility.

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36 trees as a sign for climate protection

That was the result of our first virtual WESSLING Biking Challenge. In the meantime, all the trees have been planted.

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Documentation of perfume oils in cosmetic products: Amendment of IFRA standards

The exact composition of a perfume oil usually remains the secret of its producer. Various documents are necessary for a safe evaluation of the finished cosmetic product without considering the exact formulation. We will tell you which ones.

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indoor air filter

VDI recommendation for higher corona protection: effectively reducing indoor viruses

Particularly since the beginning of the corona pandemic, there has been a high demand for effectiveness tests of mobile air purifiers. Our experts conduct the tests for you in compliance with the new VDI Expert Recommendation (EE) 4300 Sheet 14.

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Corporate Communications

We will be happy to help you if you would like to know more about WESSLING or information about our diverse services. Then contact us. We look forward to your queries! 

Simply use the contact form for your query or send us an e-mail. Of course, you can also call us.

Your press contact

Pia Hustert
„We are glad to provide journalists with information on all topics that interest us at WESSLING. Contact us with your press enquiry - we'll be glad to help.“