Entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 on the testing of veterinary medicinal products

Producers of pharmaceuticals for animals, please beware: The EU has reorganised veterinary medicinal products legislation. From 28 January 2022, the new Regulation (EU) 2019/6 on veterinary medicinal products will come into force in all Member States of the European Union. According to the new regulation, the member states may regulate certain contents themselves. In German law, veterinary medicinal product law has therefore been separated from pharmaceutical law and is now regulated by the new Veterinary Medicinal Products Act (Tierarzneimittelgesetz, TAMG).

What changes does Regulation (EU) 2019/6 bring for producers?

With the EU Veterinary Medicinal Products Regulation, veterinary and human medicinal products will in future be regulated by separate legislation. According to Article 88 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, those involved in the testing of veterinary medicinal products will in future require a separate manufacturing authorisation. This also includes GMP contract laboratories. A sole manufacturing authorisation for medicinal products for human use will therefore no longer be sufficient in future.

WESSLING has the required manufacturing authorisation

In addition to the GMP certificate, our pharmaceutical location in Münster also has the required manufacturing authorisation for the testing of veterinary medicinal products. This means that our experts for the analysis and evaluation of pharmaceuticals will continue to be able to test your veterinary medicinal products in accordance with the new EU Regulation.

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© WESSLING - Maik Siebelmann
„Don’t be afraid of the new EU Veterinary Medicinal Products Regulation. Thanks to our manufacturing authorisation, we will continue to test your pharmaceuticals reliably and quickly.“