The severe floods in Germany in July 2021, have left lasting effects on agriculture. It is uncertain whether the flood waters washed pollutants into the soil and thereby into feed. WESSLING at this point, offers support with comprehensive soil and feed analysis.
To make the commissioning process as simple as possible for you, we provide you with this clear commissioning form (in German), which also includes an overview of the analysis for pollutants recommended by the North Rhine-Westphalia State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV). Simply send us your soil or feed sample together with the form for an assessment. Tips for self-sampling can also be found in the form.
Our experts conduct the analysis in accordance with feed law and following the Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV) (in German) as well as LAGA Boden (Federal/State Working Group on Waste/Soil). In addition, there may of course be many other problematic pollutants. If there is a concrete suspicion of pollutant inputs, we therefore recommend consulting our geologists.
With our analysis results we provide the basis for further decisions. For example, can livestock continue to be led to the pasture and fed with the feed from the flooded fields without risk? Or are disposal measures to be taken? In the case of overhanging and heavily polluted grassland growth, composting, utilisation in a biogas plant or, if necessary, incineration could be an option. Here, too, our analysis results provide information that can assist with these decisions.
The Federal Government of Germany has provided a total of 200 million euros in emergency aid for flood damages. This applies not only to private individuals, businesses, and freelancers, but also to farmers and foresters.
Furthermore, on 10 August 2021, the Federal Government of Germany decided to establish a national fund “Reconstruction Aid 2021” consisting of 30 billion euros. This will also serve to restore local infrastructure, which includes agriculture, forestry, and rural infrastructure. Further information is also available on the pages of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) (in German).
Download our order form here!
Untersuchung von Materialproben und Messungen aus dem Labor: Mit unserer Asbestanalyse erhalten Sie mehr Sicherheit.