After devastating flooding and storms: identifying and remediating pollutants in buildings and soils

In order to safely track down the consequences of the extreme weather conditions in mid-July, WESSLING, the consulting, analysis and testing company, is on-site for affected municipalities and districts.

The aim is to identify released pollutants quickly and easily to immediately recognise the consequences of the flood disaster and to be able to counteract them as quickly as possible. The focus is on facilities operated by municipalities and districts, such as hospitals, homes for the elderly, nursing homes, kindergartens and schools, as well as administrative buildings, swimming pools and sports halls.


Determination of released hazardous substances and pollutants in public facilities

For in addition to the visible destruction, the floods also brought numerous hidden dangers. Faecal germs came to the surface through overflowing sewers, and oils and other hazardous substances leaked from flooded tanks. In the now damp building fabric, there is also a risk of mould formation. During subsequent building renovation, the release of further pollutants already present in the building beforehand must be expected. Asbestos is particularly noteworthy here, as its harmful fibres can easily be released during demolition work.

All pollutants can have a negative impact on human health, not only immediately, but also in the medium or long term. Therefore, it is strongly advised to determine the status quo of pollutants introduced or present in both buildings and soil.

Analysing buildings and floors, and developing renovation concepts

Our experienced engineers and technicians are on-site. Thanks to mobile measuring technology, they can determine the conditions on-site and directly initiate the first measures. In addition to short-term measurements of indoor air, this also includes taking material samples from buildings and floors to test for pollutants.

For an initial assessment, these samples can be analysed directly in our laboratories. Our experts derive immediate measures from the analysis results, to contain damage. They also develop customised renovation concepts.

Your contact person

„Our colleagues from Bochum, Cologne and Mannheim are at your service. Please contact us to coordinate your on-site appointment.“