Latest announcements from WESSLING: our news, press releases and company announcements can be found here.

EU batch release of import products from non-EU countries

For the import of investigational medicinal products or authorised medicinal products

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Strategy Meeting 2022 in Amsterdam

After more than two years of virtual meetings, our colleagues were so pleased to be able to exchange ideas directly with each other again.

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Quality management in the food industry

Legal regulations and customer requirements make high demands on food manufacturers and retailers. Almost without exception, certification according to a GFSI standard is required as proof of food safety. Our experts support you.

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Energy and resource efficiency in the economy: transformation concepts for companies

As part of their climate protection work, many companies aim to optimise their resource and energy efficiency. Customised transformation concepts are a useful tool on the path to greenhouse gas neutrality.

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Beratung für Kosmetik bei WESSLING

Efficacy studies of cosmetic products

Advertising claims used in relation to cosmetic products are regulated by law in the EU. They must be legally compliant, truthful, evidentially supported, honest and fair. We will be happy to conduct the required efficacy tests for you.

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cooling tower

It's getting warm again - Test cooling towers, evaporative cooling systems and wet separator for legionella now

As temperatures rise, cooling towers, evaporative cooling systems and wet separators can become contaminated with bacteria such as legionella. WESSLING supports plant operators with advice and analysis, also in accordance with the 42nd BImSchV.

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Testing dishwasher resistance after 125 rinsing cycles

Our experts for food contact materials offer manufacturers of tableware, glasses and reusable articles made of plastic the testing of their products according to the standards DIN EN 12875-1 mod. (2005-08) and DIN EN 12875-2 (2002-03).

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Apprenticeship successfully completed after only 2.5 years

Congratulations! Four of the trainees at the WESSLING Altenberge and Münster sites can now officially call themselves chemical laboratory assistants.

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WESSLING life cycle-assessments

This is how to obtain funding for your sustainability projects

Our experts have already successfully supported a large number of projects in the areas of energy efficiency, process optimisation and innovations for agricultural companies, SMEs from industry and large companies.

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Corporate Communications

We will be happy to help you if you would like to know more about WESSLING or information about our diverse services. Then contact us. We look forward to your queries! 

Simply use the contact form for your query or send us an e-mail. Of course, you can also call us.

Your press contact

Pia Hustert
„We are glad to provide journalists with information on all topics that interest us at WESSLING. Contact us with your press enquiry - we'll be glad to help.“