VDI 3876 – Asbestos in construction and demolition waste

Asbestos products, such as asbestos cement, concrete construction spacers or fillers are often found in building debris. Asbestos-containing components are also repeatedly detected in roof sealing waste or in floor fillings.

Mixtures containing asbestos are often discovered too late, for example in a delivery of crushed stone base courses made of RC material, during the demolition of buildings and plants, or in the declaration of construction waste. This results in time delays in the construction process and, in some cases, in high costs for the proper disposal of it.

Cost and deadline risks can be minimised by a forward-looking assessment. This requires a differentiated examination of the asbestos content of the material. The sampling required here in accordance with LAGA PN 98, in conjunction with a visual inspection by an asbestos expert, is supplemented by laboratory tests in accordance with VDI 3876 (“Measuring asbestos in construction and demolition waste and recycled materials obtained therefrom - sample preparation and analysis”). The results of the measurements serve, for example, as a basis for the derivation of occupational health and safety measures, waste classification, remediation planning, and the evaluation of properties.

The WESSLING experts on asbestos participate in the standard-setting bodies and advocate that, despite limit values and restrictions, there should still be scope for cost-effective individual solutions.

Low detection level

VDI 3876 grants a detection limit (NWG) of < 0.005 mass percent (Ma %). It shall apply if the work from sampling in piles, through the expert's report, to the analysis of the suspected particles on the SEM (scanning electron microscope) was conducted in accordance with this guideline. Prior to this, a specific test should always be conducted at the place of origin, for example in the building to be demolished.

The enforcement aid for the disposal of waste containing asbestos (LAGA leaflet 23) demands “no asbestos” in treatment plants. In practice, this was only roughly calculated by visual inspections or delivery declarations, or rather with random findings, and often did not stand up to analytical examination. Both overestimations and underestimations of the exposure could arise, which can only be accurately determined by VDI 3876 with its very low detection limit well below the limit of 0.1 Ma % according to GefStoffV (Ordinance on Hazardous Substances).

Since fibre emissions have also been observed below the limit of 0.1 Ma % asbestos in building materials, the question of occupational health and safety must also be considered. For large and successfully executed soil remediations with asbestos findings, the WESSLING experts not only use air control measurements but also the dusting apparatus anchored in TRGS 517 according to EN 15051-Meth.B to determine the release of fibres to develop and monitor safe processing methods. 

We develop for our customers approved state-of-the-art solutions for the remediation of damaged asbestos products.


With VDI 3876, the asbestos content in building debris can be safely determined and evaluated. On this basis, project-related, more extensive assessments and developments in the areas of occupational safety, disposal or recycling, as well as property valuations (due diligence) can also be conducted.

Our range of services

  • Sampling in compliance with LAGA PN 98
  • Expert opinion on asbestos products
  • Tests in compliance with VDI 3876 and with statistically significant procedures
  • Waste technical evaluation
  • Industrial safety
  • Property valuations (due diligence)
  • Expert evaluation of asbestos accidents
  • Testing of the release behaviour by dust tests EN 15051 method B (TRGS 517)
  • Development of innovative remediation methods with safe end products, permit management and remediation planning
  • Asbestos analyses (acronyms):
  1. VDI 3876, Asbestos in construction and demolition waste
  2. 3866-5 (Annex B), Asbestos in technical products with asbestos contents < 1%
  3. VDI 3492, Asbestos in indoor air
  4. IFA 7487, Asbestos in powders
  5. VDI 3877-1, in dust sediments
  6. in soil
  7. in drinking water

Your contact person for asbestos in soil, building debris and demolition waste

öffentlich bestellter und nach § 18 BBodSchG anerkannter Sachverständiger (SG 5)

Christoph Wortmann