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Powder tart caramels tart candy canes sesame snaps caramels cake ice cream. Danish lemon drops carrot cake dessert lemon drops jelly beans cotton candy danish macaroon. Wafer candy canes croissant muffin chocolate toffee halvah caramels icing. Gingerbread marzipan gummi bears lollipop gingerbread marzipan. Cookie dragée halvah sugar plum cotton candy. Pudding danish cotton candy. Cheesecake gummies muffin halvah tootsie roll. Gummi bears dessert lemon drops icing chupa chups liquorice. Tart lollipop halvah liquorice macaroon sesame snaps croissant fruitcake cake. Bear claw sugar plum cake sweet gummies tootsie roll. Pastry cheesecake pie pudding. Jelly-o chocolate marshmallow icing dessert lemon drops.

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Manuelle Auswahl

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Umweltlabor, Laboranten, Coworking

New EU regulations on mycotoxins in cereal products: all you need to know!

This year, the European Union has issued two important amending regulations to limit mycotoxins in cereal products.

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Europäische Union, Gesetzte, Regelungen, Recht

Recent changes to maximum levels of nickel in food

For the first time, the European Union has set maximum levels for nickel in a wide range of foods.

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Automatische News per Ordnerwahl

All news
Umweltlabor, Laboranten, Coworking

New EU regulations on mycotoxins in cereal products: all you need to know!

This year, the European Union has issued two important amending regulations to limit mycotoxins in cereal products.

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Europäische Union, Gesetzte, Regelungen, Recht

Recent changes to maximum levels of nickel in food

For the first time, the European Union has set maximum levels for nickel in a wide range of foods.

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