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Your search for wessling had 325 results


Merry Christmas | News | Company | WESSLING

exchange. Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and peaceful festive season Your shareholder family Wessling, the management and all employees


Measuring workplace and environmental limit values for chromium trioxide in compliance with the law | News | Company | WESSLING

certificate [D-PL-14162-01-00]. Your contact to our experts of the WESSLING measuring station Dirk Jarzyna +49 170 3 471 736 These topics may also be of interest for you Hazardous substance […] may only be carried out by notified and accredited* measuring bodies according to §29b BImSchG. WESSLING operates an approved measuring station at several locations nationwide and has many years of experience […] measurement of chromium trioxide at all chromium(VI) processed industrial plants. In addition, the WESSLING measuring station is accredited in accordance with Section 7 Para. 10 of the Hazardous Substances


Marketability and conformity

s, the provision of documents or the performance of specific analytical tests are involved, the WESSLING experts will be delighted to help.


Substitute and secondary fuels

production up to and including the emission declaration are available on request from one source at WESSLING . This offers you an objective assessment of your fuels as well as assistance in the event of complex


Sheath Ordinance - changes for project developers, planners, clients, and contractors | News | Company | WESSLING

supplement existing expert opinions and plans, against the background of these legal changes? Our WESSLING experts offer in-house seminars precisely for this purpose. They have closely observed the years-long […] and translates it into practice for you. Your contact Christoph Wortmann +49 2505 89-210 „I am at your disposal for enquiries and further information on our in-house seminars. Together […] manner. EN Baugrund, Flächen We plan the deconstruction, demolition and disposal of your building. WESSLING‘s expertise assists with the cost-optimised planning and implementation of dismantling industrial


From March 1, 2022, a ban on the fragrance Lilial will be in force | News | Company | WESSLING

March 1, 2022. Our experts are there for companies that produce or market cosmetic products. At WESSLING, we have laboratories with state-of-the-art analytical equipment. Using the appropriate methods […] legal regulations. Your contact to our cosmetic experts Winfried Rämisch +49 6227 82 09-42 „Does the formulation of your cosmetic products now need to be adapted? We will be happy to analyse […] expert reports for cosmetic products With comprehensive consulting services and expert reports, the WESSLING experts ensure safe cosmetic products and consumer protection. Mehr erfahren On-site services for


New labelling requirements for wet wipes | News | Company | WESSLING

Therefore, producers of wet wipes intended for personal and household care are now called to action. Our WESSLING experts for cosmetic products will be happy to assist you. We will support you in the implementation […] person for advice on the new labelling requirements Winfried Rämisch +49 6227 82 09-42 „We provide competent and independent advice to ensure that your cosmetic products constantly […] expert reports for cosmetic products With comprehensive consulting services and expert reports, the WESSLING experts ensure safe cosmetic products and consumer protection. Mehr erfahren On-site services for


470 years together in the company

470 years together in the company 10 May 2017 Congratulations to the eighteen employees at WESSLING who have collectively celebrated 470 great years together at the Altenberge location. The celebrants […] age, culture and country borders showed a high degree of identification with the company, Diana Weßling is pleased and expresses her thanks for their cooperation. “For us as a knowledge company, it is […] (30 years). Your contact person We are happy to support you. Pia Hustert +49 2505 89-0


Acrylamide Regulation (EU) 2017/2158 becomes effective

lays down minimisation measures and guide values for reducing the acrylamide content in food . The WESSLING team of experts supports food producers and retailers with its proven expertise in the implementation […] Annexes I and II of the Regulation. The complete Regulation can be found here . The food experts at WESSLING support food producers and food retailers in implementing the regulation. Background information: […] respective food. Your contact person We are happy to help you. Christina Witt +49 2505 89-633


DOWNPASS standard

the highest of quality standards. Determination of the product qualities is also carried out at WESSLING. Our experts offer comprehensive advice for down and feathers: Auditing in accordance with the DOWNPASS

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Will will be happy to support you.