WESSLING Germany is safe - with a system! This has once again been officially certified by the Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und Chemische Industrie (BG RCI). At the same time WESSLING received the confirmation to fulfil the requirements of the new occupational safety standard ISO 45001:2018.
For this purpose, sites throughout Germany were assessed in advance with regard to occupational safety. The result: The award of the quality seal "Sicher mit System" (Safe with a system). This has now been handed over at a ceremony at the WESSLING headquarters in Altenberge, Münsterland, which was of course organised in a Corona-compatible manner.
Whether for customers or own employees - occupational safety and health protection, AGS for short in German, are two sides of the same coin at WESSLING. "Every day our colleagues provide services for our customers for the continuous improvement of quality, safety, environmental and health protection. Of course, our internal occupational safety and health protection of each individual employee has the highest priority", explains Olaf Reifferscheid, specialist for occupational safety at WESSLING Germany.
The continuous compliance with our own, deliberately high standards is also shown by the fact that this is already the third successful audit by BG RCI in a row at WESSLING. All measures of the occupational safety management were voluntarily subjected to an audit lasting several days by the BG RCI. "This includes the occupational medical precautions and health promotion on site, as well as the quality and systematic compliance with occupational safety", Michael Andrees gives an insight into the intensive process, which lasted several days and this time of course had to take place under the regulations to contain the corona pandemic. The joy of all involved in the independent confirmation of the continuously high AGS standard was of course unbroken at the official presentation of the seal of approval!