Release of aluminium from grill and menu trays

Uncoated disposable aluminium trays, such as those used for the delivery of meals to community facilities or for private use during barbecues, can sometimes release large quantities of aluminium into foodstuffs. The Federal Institute confirmed this finding for Risk Assessment in its recently published statement (Statement No. 007/2017 of the BfR of 29 May 2017) (German version only).

Permitable weekly intake of aluminium

The negative effects of aluminium on human health have repeatedly been discussed among experts. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) had already estimated a tolerable weekly intake (TWI) of one milligram per kilogram of body weight. According to the BfR, this TWI is reached, in part of the population, through food intake alone, as aluminium is naturally found in conventional foods. Therefore, the additional intake of aluminium by consumers should be reduced wherever possible. This intake may be caused, for example, by the use of barbecue or menu trays. In Europe, guidelines were set for the aluminium levy, which currently stands at 5 milligrams per kilogram of food.

Our experts at WESSLING for food contact materials assist manufacturers in testing the conformity of their aluminium trays or other metal articles that may come into contact with food.

You can find detailed information about our comprehensive services in the fields of consulting and laboratory analysis for food contact materials here.

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