Labelling and efficacy claims of cosmetic products

The presentation of cosmetic products makes a significant contribution to whether a consumer will purchase them or not. This makes it all the more important for producers to comply with all legal requirements when advertising their products. In their daily work, however, our experts repeatedly find that deviations occur here.

Claim support for cosmetic products

In principle, the declaration of cosmetics must distinguish between mandatory elements and voluntary information, also known as claims. The mandatory claims are regulated in Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 (Cosmetics Regulation), whereas voluntary claims are regulated in Regulation (EU) No 655/2013.

Mandatory labels include, for example, information on ingredients and intended use, filling quantity, shelf life and also specific instructions for use and warnings. Sunscreen products also belong to the category of cosmetic products. Not only is the indication of a sun protection factor (SPF) a mandatory element, but compliance with it is also imperative to ensure health protection.

Typical examples of claims for skin care products are “skin compatibility dermatologically confirmed”, “moisturizing” or “wrinkle reducing”. In the case of decorative eye make-up, the claims “ophthalmologically confirmed” and “suitable for contact lens wearers” are advertised, in particular. Regardless of which claim is made, producers must always be able to provide proof of this.

So, in order to meet all the requirements for both mandatory elements and voluntary information, WESSLING has a wide range of laboratory analysis, consulting and expert opinion services at its disposal. Do you need, for example, studies that sufficiently prove the efficacy claims of your products? Our experts are happy to assist you in planning and conducting epicutaneous tests, ophthalmological tests, SPF tests or efficacy studies.

Our services also include advice and expert opinions on the pre-packaging regulation as well as the preparation of safety reports, PID and CPNP notification. Would you like to learn more about our range of services for the safety of your cosmetic products? Learn more here.

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„Do you need support for the correct labelling of cosmetic products? With our consulting and analyses, we ensure that your cosmetic products constantly comply with all legal requirements.“