Hygiene concepts for indoor spaces at risk of infection

With the Corona pandemic the importance of indoor air hygiene has become apparent, whether in schools or open-plan offices. To contain the spread of aerosols indoors, numerous measures are recommended, some of which, however, can drastically limit the practical use of some buildings.


WESSLING develops individual hygiene concepts for properties based on targeted building inspections and taking into account the current state of knowledge on the Corona pandemic. This is also aided by a continuous exchange of information within the specialist disciplines involved.

Hygiene concepts must include organisational and technical solutions that are suitable for effectively counteracting infections caused both by aerosols and particles in the air and by contact between people and surfaces.

Indoor air thermals of a person

Optimising flows of people, reducing and avoiding contacts

Hygiene concepts begin with a targeted organisational implementation of social distancing, hygiene and respiratory protection for the respective building. For this purpose, flows of people are systematically recorded in order to optimise their temporal and spatial management. In parallel, measures are developed to reduce or avoid contact. The identification of frequently used material surfaces and their cleaning schedule is an integral part of our hygiene concepts for interiors.

Air pollution control with the aid of ventilation equipment

In order to reduce person-to-person infection, it is necessary to reduce virus concentrations in room air. If systematic ventilation (cross-ventilation at 20-5-20 minute intervals) and adapted distances between people are not sufficient measures, ventilation systems using thermal air cells can be a targeted solution.

As part of a hygiene concept, our experts therefore check existing central ventilation systems from an aerodynamic point of view and, if necessary, also design decentralised ventilation systems with heat exchangers and reheating.

Ventilation systems for the highest possible air exchange and fresh air content

In addition, building operators receive alternative proposals for the basic and existing equipment technology, including cost and benefit considerations. We also consider other decisive parameters for indoor air quality, such as carbon dioxide or energy consumption. Long-term perspectives are also included in the proposals developed.

WESSLING can also accompany the technical execution. Thanks to our particle measurements, the efficiency of the measures taken can be proven, as we determine acute virus loads on surfaces with the help of our in-house laboratory analysis.

Our services for safe indoor air at a glance:

  • Recording of particularly frequented and therefore endangered areas in the property
  • Object-related organisation of social distancing, hygiene, and face masks
  • Certificates on the hygiene concepts used
  • Individual ventilation concepts per property
  • Alternating recommendations on technical measures, including planning and effectiveness control, for example with the help of particle measurements in the room air

Hygiene concepts for indoor spaces - your contact