Water is stagnating in the pipes of many buildings and facilities during the corona pandemic, so that drinking water quality can be impaired. WESSLING tests whether your tap water still meets the requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance after the lockdown.
Proper operation requires regular water exchange in pipes every 72 hours. However, drinking water installations in numerous buildings such as schools, day-care centres, shopping centres, shops, hotels, holiday homes and meeting places have remained unused over the past few weeks. The stagnation of water can impair the quality of drinking water. Various organisations therefore recommend keeping an eye on drinking water hygiene, in a press release dated 23 March 2020, among them Bundesindustrieverband Technische Gebäudeausrüstung e.V. (BTGA), Bundesvereinigung der Firmen im Gas- und Wasserfach e.V. (figawa), Deutsche Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches (DVGW) and Zentralverband Sanitär Heizung Klima (ZVSHK).
Our experts check for operators of drinking water installations whether systems continue to meet the requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance. With advice and analysis, they help to avert health hazards, for example from contaminated drinking water in kitchenettes or hot water in showers.
Click here for more information about our services in the field of drinking water.
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