Cosmetic products safety reports

According to Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, also known as the Cosmetics Regulation, cosmetic products may only be made available on the market if their safety has been independently assessed and confirmed. This evaluation and confirmation are recorded in the safety report, which in turn is part of the product information file (PIF).

In section 11 of the European Cosmetics Regulation, further evidence and documentation on the product and its manufacture are specified, which must also be included in the PIF.

Despite these clearly described requirements, there are still reports in the rapid alert system “Safety Gate”* due to insufficient documentation. Only recently, a warning was issued about a cosmetic product that lacked the relevant pre-marketing assessments. Furthermore, the product lacked adequate production and product information. Consequently, the product may not be placed on the market and supplied to consumers throughout the EU.

It is therefore essential for producers, distributors and importers of care and decorative cosmetics to ensure that their products, before entering the market, comply with all requirements of the EU Cosmetics Regulation. In addition, documents required in the PIF, including the safety report, need to be appropriately compiled.

Both for reviewing existing documents and for preparing the safety report for your products, our safety assessors are there for you. We carry out the prescribed safety assessment of your product and then draw up the necessary expert report. If analyses are required in advance for the safety assessment, the experts in our in-house laboratories are also there for you. Our range of services includes, for example, preservation load tests or analysis for heavy metals and allergenic fragrances.


*Safety Gate, the rapid alert system for dangerous non-food products of the EU Commission, aims at passing on information on unsafe non-food products as quickly as possible.

Your contact regarding cosmetic products safety reports

„Whether the preparation of a safety report, notification of a product or compilation of a product information file – with us, customers get everything from a single source.“