Keyword food safety: an important update for all food manufacturers came into force on 25 May 2023 with the recast Contaminants Regulation (EU) 2023/915.
The Contaminants Regulation regulates exactly how many residues and what maximum quantities may be contained in a food product. With the new version, the previous Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006, in force since 2006, was repealed. Many amending regulations made it necessary that the previous regulation had to be more clearly structured. What consequences does this have for food producers?
The most important changes of the Contaminants Regulation for you:
With our laboratory analyses, we provide you with multi- or individual methods for raw materials or products.
Regulation (EU) 2023/915 regulates a wide range of contaminants in food. Our analytical portfolio covers the following contaminants:
We can offer our accredited* QuEChERS-based multi-method using LC-MS/MS for the determination of mycotoxins in various food matrices. In an extended analysis portfolio, we also offer you the future-oriented analysis of alternative toxins.
Consulting and expert opinions for your food safety – from our WESSLING experts, all from a single source
We are happy to assist you with our analytical and technical expertise. In addition to analysis, consulting and expert opinions complete our service portfolio:
*Testing laboratory accredited by DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. The accreditation is only valid for the scope of accreditation listed in the annex [D-PL-14162-01-00].
„We are at your disposal for any of your questions. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions concerning the new Contaminants Regulation or about our analytical and consulting services.“