Congratulations to six successful WESSLING apprentices!

Six of our apprentices at WESSLING have now successfully completed their training as chemical laboratory technicians and received their final certificates, during a ceremony, from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Despite some difficult conditions, having started training during the Coronavirus pandemic, the young apprentices were able to shine with their results – the company is even more pleased that five of the apprentices will remain with the company after the end of their training.

“We are proud of our apprentices, who have worked really hard for their good final results,” say Simone Sommer and Christin Dietrich, training managers at the WESSLING locations at Altenberge and Halle/Saale. “All of them started their apprenticeships with us in 2020 and 2021, in the middle of the pandemic. It was a time when we, as training managers, had to adapt by developing new formats to provide the best possible training for the apprentices under these special conditions.” Everyone was very well prepared for the exams, with a good mix of practical experience in the labs and extensive support in learning the theoretical basics. This also included additional in-house teaching by the trainers as well as time off work during the intensive periods of learning.

This concept not only contributes to the good results of the apprentices, but also pays off for the company. With one exception, all trainees will remain part of the WESSLING team. Laura Gemming and Bastian Mühlner, from the WESSLING location Halle/Saale, will support the team in the field of gas chromatography. Sarah Pagenkämper, Maurice Kamp and Niklas Schumacher will be part of the chromatography department in the laboratory at the company headquarters in Altenberge. Niklas and Erik Essing will start studying in the autumn.

WESSLING trainees receive IHK certificates
Wurden für ihren Fleiß mit tollen Abschlussergebnissen belohnt: Die WESSLING Auszubildenden Bastian Mühlner und Laura Gemming vom Standort Halle/Saale (linkes Bild) sowie Niklas Schumacher, Erik Essing, Sarah Pagenkämper und Maurice Kamp vom Standort Altenberge (rechtes Bild) freuen sich über ihre Abschlusszeugnisse - herzliche Glückwünsche!

Training at WESSLING

WESSLING Germany is currently training around 25 apprentices at four locations. The junior employees start their careers here in the chemistry laboratory, in IT, as office management clerks or in the field of building materials testing. Thanks to the excellent network of WESSLING’s international locations, the company also offers internships abroad at other locations. Qualified employees are gladly taken on as permanent employees after their apprenticeship - an exciting working environment into which ten new apprentices will start again this summer.

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