In order to protect the environment and people from the harmful effects of air pollutants, the legislator has established directives and limits for maintaining air quality.
Air pollution from commercial and industrial installations must therefore be regularly monitored and assessed by an air monitoring system. The WESSLING measuring station, notified in accordance with § 29b of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG), performs the following tasks for you: With officially recognized expertise and state-of-the-art measuring technology, we determine the concentrations of air pollutants down to trace amounts.
The capabilities of our measuring station include emission measurements, performance testing and calibration of continuous monitoring systems, as well as hazardous substance measurements in the workplace and room air measurements. We identify harmful substances and additionally support our customers with special measuring technology, for example for optimising waste gas treatment plants or compressed air quality.
Air Monitoring and Measuring Station: Services in Detail
According to the Federal Immission Control Act (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz BImSchG), operators of plants subject to approval are obliged to carry out pollutant measurements. Our accredited* measuring station, notified in accordance with §29b of the Federal Immission Control Act, tests for compliance with the legal limit values in your plant with reliable and precise measuring technology.
Emission and immission are central concepts related to airborne pollutants. They concern the release and impact of harmful substances on systems and organisms and therefore require stringent monitoring. We determine the concentrations of atmospheric pollutants down to trace amounts and thus support you in your quality assurance.
Our customers benefit from our decentralised site structure, which makes us particularly flexible. In addition to emission tests, we also offer high-quality immission control services - please do not hesitate to contact us!
Here you find further informations on quality control of consumer products through emission tests and the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) and the baseline report (BR).
* Testing laboratory accredited by DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. The accreditation only applies to the scope of accreditation listed in the certificate attachment [D-PL-14162-01-00].
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Air Monitoring and Measuring Station: Services in Detail
Industrial plant operators often operate continuous monitoring systems to keep a constant eye on compliance with prescribed emission limits. For your quality assurance system, we check whether your measuring instruments meet the requirements and your measurements are reliable.
Operators of industrial plants that produce emissions must comply with the prescribed limits and be able to provide evidence that they do. If the emissions exceed certain limits, continuous monitoring with certified automatic monitoring systems (AMS) approved in Germany is necessary.
We advise you on the selection of an AMS and support you in complying with the prescribed quality assurance levels (QALs). As an approved measuring station in accordance with § 29b of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG), WESSLING provides you with the installation certificate before commissioning the emission monitoring system, and carries out the annual surveillance test (AST) and a calibration (QAL2) every three years.
Our offer also applies to temperature monitoring systems for monitoring combustion conditions, such as the minimum temperature in the after-burning zone. Regular comparison of your measured values with those of the reference methods will provide you with reliable measurements.
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Air Monitoring and Measuring Station: Services in Detail
The Hazardous Substances Ordinance (Gefahrstoffverordnung - GefStoffV) regulates compliance with occupational exposure limits by the employer. We are your partner in performing workplace analyses, measuring hazardous substance concentrations in the air and carrying out thorough risk assessments. For the protection of your employees.
The WESSLING measuring station is accredited in accordance with §7 para. 10 of the Hazardous Substances Ordinance and therefore meets the strictest legal requirements and conditions of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Our engineers and measurement technicians have many years of experience in the identification and assessment of hazardous substances and environmental health hazards in workplace air. We perform workplace analyses and control measurements for you according to the Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances (Technischen Regeln für Gefahrstoffe TRGS) 402, as well as indicative measurements over certain hazardous substance concentrations.
Based on these prerequisites, the results and assessments are recognised both internally – for example, by your works council – and externally by authorities and accident insurance agencies.
As a supplement to information from other sources, exposure measurements are often an essential part of the risk assessment according to § 6, para. 1 of the Hazardous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV). Exposure measurements are also suitable for checking the effectiveness of the technical protective measures, which is required by § 7, para. 7 GefStoffV and must be carried out at least every three years.
Read more here about our offer regarding occupational health and safety.
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Air Monitoring and Measuring Station: Services in Detail
Good room air quality depends on the use of non-toxic building materials and adequate air circulation. WESSLING carries out room air measurements for you and advises on appropriate remedial measures.
Further information on our room air measurements may be found here in our Harmful Substances and Remedial Measures section.
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Air Monitoring and Measuring Station: Services in Detail
Compressed air is used in almost all production and packaging processes. Contaminated compressed air can mean a loss of quality of the final products or even expensive production downtime. Based on our many years of experience with certified industrial companies, we recommend that compressed air in operational processes be regularly examined for contamination with oil, particle or microbiological contaminants.
The WESSLING measuring station has developed new mobile test benches for the food and pharmaceutical industries in order to be able to respond to the special requirements of our customers quickly and flexibly while assuring quality. In addition, we investigate the causes of compressed air contamination and advise you on how to solve the problem.
We offer our customers a complete solution for assessing compressed air quality with exact quality-assured measurements and independent expert reports in accordance with the currently applicable international ISO guidelines. In detail:
You will receive a detailed test report on the investigations carried out, including an assessment of the purity classes for each measuring point according to DIN ISO 8573-1, and thus also reliable data for your quality management system.
The purity requirement for compressed air in cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food companies, as well as the beverage industry, depends on the technical application of the compressed air. The classification of each production process is supported by standard sheets 15390-1 and 15390-2 of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA). These list the applicable limits and compressed air quality classes for the various processes.
Further information on food hygiene and compressed air in production processes can be found here.
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Air Monitoring and Measuring Station: Services in Detail
We advise you as operator and manufacturer of waste gas treatment plants, so that you can optimise the separation efficiency to the fullest extent. To increase the separation efficiency, it is often necessary to characterise aerosols and dust.
In our measuring station, we have developed measuring methods to condition these substances without discriminating between them and to separate them specifically. This allows us to provide customers with information on the particle size distribution and, where required, a size-dependent element distribution. The latter is increasingly used for the root cause analysis of unexplained emission effects.
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We will be happy to support you.
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